Kavanaugh – The Jury Is In… Or Are They ?

Ya know, originally when the first allegation came up, I was not seriously concerned.
We all do stupid things when we are young without the realization of how that might effect our future. We live in the moment for the most part. As long as there was not pattern of behavior afterwards.

Then, a pattern emerged that can not be tested. While I am thankful for Senator Flake to do the right thing and hold his vote unless a FBI investigation moved forward. Of course, only Trump can order that.

All this talk of fairness and the hearings are not a trial but the Judiciary committee is somewhat a jury. The FBI will gather facts and they (the committee) will discern them and make a decision.
That is their job.

One has to be suspicious on the rush to put this through. Especially when Obama’s nominee was denied a floor vote for 293 days after passing through all of this stuff.
His nomination expired with his presidency.
McConell should have to eat his own words on that ’cause “there is a election coming and we should let the voters decide”.

But I say, just let him in and also proceed with the investigations and remove him from office when found guilty. Seems to be the less political and non-argumentative path for now. But we all know that you just can’t do that. It would look even worse if we had a Supreme Court Justus taken down for previous bad behavior. It would permanently mark our court system in a way that could not be reversed and question just how good our process is.

But, for each day, more information may spring-up on other behaviors.
I think he is doomed in the full house vote.

But I am getting restless for all the deception of process in a way that angers me and a bit of distaste for who we have become as a nation.
I do not aspire for this. We are no role model for anyone anymore.
Does anyone care about that. The big picture. I am embarrassed as a citizen.

Nobody will cure what ill’s themselves until they stop pointing fingers at each other.

If nobody demands better from their government, it will get worse.

If Kavanaugh showed anything of himself at those hearings, he showed he is not a non-partisan impartial judge.
“WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND” so he says in disgust for democrats.
Hey, I’m not exactly happy with them either but he just showed me the number one reason I don’t want him to make it.


If legislators would quit trying to legislate with the court system there would not be any of this.

Capitalism & Democracy – Self Governance While It Lasts

This is a capitalistic democracy…. remember which word comes first.
While I do not support it, communism was never a threat to democracy.
It was a threat to capitalism. Notice we sparred no expense in squashing that idea down.

Capitalism is great, yes, greed is good, but uncontrolled greed and uncontrolled capitalism is bad.

Capitalism should never OWN democracy.
You have to manage it as a tool and a end to a means. It can not set the rules for itself. It then becomes uncontrolled greed.

In Russia, Capitalism owns democracy. How does that look ? Want some…
It was the same reason they had the communist revolution. It was against capitalism not democracy since they did not have democracy then. It was a revolution against capitalism.

Capitalism is not bad, uncontrolled capitalism is.

This is the real war you are fighting and everyone is wearing masks !

Vote your aspirations.

Who will pay for the Tax Cuts ?

Pretty simple question.

I guess the answer depends on who you ask.

But it is clear that removing 15% or more of the tax collections will need to be paid for by someone… Sometime.

Doesn’t that go against what the Republicans have been telling us for the last 35+ years…

You got to ‘PAY FOR IT’… oh… that was additional spending.

So now they need to spend less to pay for it.

What’s on the chopping block ?

For starters, since it’s in the same bill of the tax cut, they repealed the individual mandate for the ACA/Obamacare and that will cause it to implode. I wonder if we now have a path to repeal the individual mandate for auto insurance… isn’t that preformed with the same theory.

Social Security… something they have been against since it’s inception.

Medicare… same as above.

Welfare… same as above.

Now it is their chance to reduce the budgets of all those ‘EVIL’ hands of the government that watch over corporate America to insure they don’t poison our water, air, land and food and watch over the banks so they don’t cause a total collapse of the economy that have been reducing the profits of those corporations.

If they only wanted to get profits made overseas to come back to the U.S., why not just reduce the taxes paid on overseas profits. It is the only benefit we will really see for this tax bill. The profits will most likely be used to buy back diluted stock, thereby increasing the value of a share of it. Giving more power to those insiders who already own most of it. You can not explain the valuation of the stock market any other way since even while profit margins may be at the highest level in history, they have found ways to spin most of it so the shareholder does not reap the rewards of their investment in favor of the upper tier of the company and it’s board of directors. So the stock market has nowhere to go now but down. The above mentioned benefit is already baked in to the market.

So the cuts will come and will you realize when your roads, water air traffic control are in such bad need of repair that you paid for that depreciation of your infrastructure with tax cuts. The new retirement age ill likely be age 70 when this is all said and done. And the medical/pharma/health care systems collapse.

Someone will pay for it… YOU ?

The only question I have is WHEN ?

You can not run this kind of defecate spending more than a year or two max and we will have a new crisis that these republican’s should take credit for but will likely blame someone else as always.

Funny since the republican’s are the ones that warned what would happen when budgets were busted that bad and they are the ones to do it.

Oh… that was just a method to cut the regulatory arm of the government….  for more profits…

So I guess the real reasons are the same all this time.


Take’n a Knee For Patriotism and the Constitution

Take’n A Knee !

The Constitution is everyone’s Constitution.

The flag is a symbol. I do not worship symbols.

Creating a parody of the flag means our troops or our documents or other things. Nonsense…

If those words of that document are not honored, what exactly is it those troops were fighting for ? At that point that flag become a mere rag.

But we really are not talking about a flag, it was a anthem.

How is a anthem a flag and a flag then our troops ? When the anthem is over, they rise and the flag is still flying just as it did before they took a knee.
Many are attacking the messenger…   you don’t want to deal with the root problem here nor admit one exists.

I don’t agree with all of the accusations made against the law enforcement community, but I don’t see real progress working to a solution to the others.

The constitution is meant to protect everyone… not ‘some people’
The cops being agents of a state or city are still governed by the US constitution.
We are a nation of laws.
Those laws insure equal protection and equal judgement for all, not some.
The moment you ignore any part of that, you are ignoring all of it.

If you wanted to defecate on the flag, I might laugh at you and advise you not to do it, but I would stand-up for your right to do it if anyone tried to stop you.
It does not change the words of the document I cherish. It adds true meaning to them.

But our men and women in uniform have not lost their lives so that I might be forced to bow and worship before a flag. And I always have honored them and what they do more than just ‘thanking them for service in words’.

You can say it is a matter of respect.
If you want to be respected, act respectful.
When our nation does not act respectful, it is not respected.
Nobody is asking for more than to live-up to the words in that document.

Take’n a knee is a reminder that for the constitution to mean something, we all have to participate to honer those words.

Just something to think about…

Why eBay is to much NAG !

The web is not new and over the years, everyone has learned about those things that users of your website can not stand enough to make them not want to come back for a future visit. You know things like auto-playing videos, pop-ups, pop-outs and even poor navigational issues that prevent someone from finding your content that you wish to share.

Well… I should say some have learned.

On a typical day, I am ‘logged-in’ to ebay for about 5 hours and buy about 5 items a week and also use to sell about 2 items a day, now down to about 2 items a week. I have been buying and selling items on there for well over 10 years.

So… can someone, anyone explain to me why it is necessary to tell me in a pop-out that I was just outbid on a item that I just bid on and was immediately outbid. To be followed by a item in my ‘ALERTS’ that I was outbid on that item. That alert will be repeated as many as 10 times over the coming days for the same item. And for every item that I may have bid on. Kinda makes you not want to bid for the ‘nagging’. Just the tip of the iceberg for the nagging.

The same goes for items in my ‘watch list’

Now, eBay has included a emoji in the subject lines of their automated emails that prevent me from seeing the text of the truncated subject line for me to know if it is something I need or want to read/open. I do not like opening emails that could be a phishing expedition and so I don’t. But that by itself is so annoying since I can not stop these emails from ebay based on user messaging preferences. Only the sellers have control of that if they wish to send them to you and are all turned on by default for acknowledging the sale, making a label for shipping and delivery of item. Why do I need a message to tell me the package was delivered 2-4 hours after I opened the package.  …NAG …NAG …NAG ! I now auto-delete emails with emoji’s in the subject line so if you want me to open and read your message, get to the point and don’t puff-it-up with crap I don’t need to serve any purpose except annoy me.

I’m sure there is some bean counter somewhere that can justify what they do. But the hard truth is how do you calculate future lost customers that shop somewhere else. Something you don’t realize until it gets you past the point of no return ?

All the changes that have occurred as of late have kept me from finding the items I want/need. Because they have been buried by results of non-relevant items. Mainly in the area of accessories for the product. And nobody is enforcing the sellers to put the items in a proper category since it is now so important. Your searches no longer are limited to the title of the listing and if you think you are going to find a item quickly, think again. Oh.. you might when using ebay’s ‘best match’ method. But that will keep you from finding the best deals since it is a way for ebay to legally control what is in front of you (skewing the results) without rebut from the sellers.

So if you sell and don’t offer FREE SHIPPING and ONE DAY SHIPPING or have SOME KOOK that left you bad feedback for a reason that you can not control like he/she did not read the listing that says what color it is or that the item was delivered to their mailbox (tracking) but they did not get it just the same.  Well these things will keep you from being found in ‘BEST MATCH’ among the other listings that probably should not be shown in your search results. It seems now they want everyone to become a ebay ‘store’ and are giving preference to those that do have them. But the fees outweigh the profits for me and come with a new set of rules that are adverse to me.

Well, I for one find it hard to believe that I must offer same day shipping on items that have to be manufactured or modified to the customers specs. I state a 48 hour handling time but get them out in 6-18 hours and I would say that is pretty darn fast for a person that has to ‘make’, ‘pack’ and ‘ship’ that around their day job. It just seems that they feel everyone is some kind of big box store. So what I try to do is exceed buyers expectations as that is all that is truly needed. ebay just wants to create unreasonable expectation that will only lead to disappointment. It seems it is trying to be Amazon while it should work around and ‘dig-in’ to the things it does best.

But in any case, even though I find it a bit more expensive, probably caused by higher seller fees, Amazon allows me to find what I am looking for very quickly. A small price to pay for a good bit of your time the way I see it. I may start selling my trinkets there as well but it is starting to be more advantageous to set-up my own web page and store for if I have to spend all the time to figure out how to get noticed on ebay without result, I might as well just be doing a Google SEO work to my own site where I control the results and I receive direct benefit for my good efforts and at the same time find out who is actually noticing me and WHY ! That allows me to make better decisions for my little operation. The time it takes to keep up with changes that occur twice a year at ebay almost require a full time position and a lawyer. Which is why I will not sell overseas nor except moneys from non-US accounts. I could not begin to understand the additional implications of things going wrong in some countries where the rules are different than the US.

So that’s my NAG on ebay’s NAG. I really don’t wish to use it anymore. It is not a enjoyable experience to say the least. Just a NAG. And they want my cell phone number to continue the NAG ? fat chance I want nag’s texted to me 24/7 in the future.

Trump has been running a Russian MOB Money Laundering Biz

I think you will find many of those affected in Russia when the Obama Administration placed sanctions on those MOBsters in control in Russia at the heart of Trumps problems with money laundering and investments in his dealings. And those sanctions had a very hard effect on Trumps operations and the flow of money to his operations via those investments in his dealings.

Those frozen assets were extremely effective at getting the attention of those at fault in Crimea / Ukraine that were very targeted to not effect the Russian people. Just the MOBsters in control of the country.

So go find that list of names and you will have most of the important connections.
Sorting through the corporate entities to mask ownership and ties is a matter in itself.

It takes a lot of time to do, so don’t look for a bunch of new insights very fast.

Some may need a little more background to see the connections
A very good FrontLine of Putin. Watch it all. You won’t regret spending the time.

Published 2015

Now some history of the same…

Do Trump’s Murky Financial Ties to Russia Connect to Money Laundering?


Was suicide of Deutsche Bank executive linked to Trump and Russia money-laundering?

If that does not give you enough to start some research on your own… god help us, and I am not a religious man.

But I do wonder where the media was on these things during the election.
It’s not like it was any kind of secret. The data was out there then. Example: