What Is MOOTing ?

For a real complete definition of the word MOOT and MOOTING, we need to look at it from a historical standpoint.

Presently, if I were to ask anyone on the street to define MOOT or MOOTING, they would say MOOT is a viewpoint that is irrelevant.  This was probably reinforced with folks when it was used on the Saturday Night Live comedy show as the politician and Reverend Jessie Jackson’s skit “The Point Is Moot” going after Ronald Reagan and the republicans. Most folks would be stumped to define MOOTING.

Yet again, Universities around the country annually participate in a MOOT COURT. Prospective student lawyers try their skills in presenting arguments to win a hypothetical Supreme Court Trial that is always interesting to watch but normally the case is in point of conflicting items within our constitution. The idea of irevelant issue could be re-enforced here on the surface but if you know what MOOT means, you would not.


Our founding fathers were MOOTERS and did a lot of MOOTING. Congress did a lot of MOOTING till it became a theatrical show.

Here is the definition from Dictionary.com

As a adjective:

1.open to discussion or debate; debatable; doubtful: a moot point.
2.of little or no practical value or meaning; purely academic.
3.Chiefly Law . not actual; theoretical; hypothetical.
As a verb (with a object):
4.to present or introduce (any point, subject, project, etc.) for discussion.
5.to reduce or remove the practical significance of; make purely theoretical or academic.
6.Archaic . to argue (a case), especially in a mock court

As a Noun:

7.an assembly of the people in early England exercising political, administrative, and judicial powers.
8.an argument or discussion, especially of a hypothetical legal case.
9.Obsolete . a debate, argument, or discussion.
In some ways it is absolutely confusing.
Being true to definition, we at Moot News .Com have used it correctly.
We use it as a verb with a object to present or introduce (any point, subject, project, etc.) for discussion.

Don’t Be Quite,

Practice Your Mooting Skills !