Immigration ?

Republicans can not really stand on the issue of immigration and the border.

For it is they who twice blocked bi-partisan deals for a fix in the last 20 years.

They do not really want a solution for they are able to take political advantage while supporting their low wage advocates that fund them.
It’s embedded in the party now.

While something needs done, you will get nowhere when you keep moving the bar to higher levels to stop any progress, and keep the political narrative. Rather than get a deal as a step in the right direction, you choose nothing. Gee, that makes sense now doesn’t it. This allows them to blame others for their own intended inaction ?

And we are about to go through a labor shortage, so, we need a fix before the status quo prevails once again. Get’m legal and paying taxes, or continue to foot the bill for cheap ass companies. Because the status quo is about to get far worse.

But without the immigration issue, republicans have few issues. They don’t like that reality.

Trump in trouble again. If you think this is OK…

I will not detail what has happened in this instance as the media should have informed you.

But it’s all history in the making. This indictment pertaining to classified documents taken with him as he exited office.

SO, many do not agree with this, but can only argue process or personal attacks.

(this is always cause for alarm because it indicates you have no facts on your side)

Let’s look at the law on this case in a different light…

If Trump left office with the ‘RESOLUTE DESK’ instead, how would you feel about that ?

It is not classified.
But the government would be asking for it back as well.

If he said he didn’t have it. What would you then do knowing otherwise ?

If you knew he did and went through the courts to get it back after multiple attempts to get it back without any fanfare, what would you think of that?

He keeps hiding his possession of it from the government. Until they come for it and get it back.

Then he makes a claim it is his…’BELONGS TO HIM’ And the government had no right to come for it.

Would you ever ask ‘what use that important does he have for it’ ?

Know that the documents belong to the government, classified or not, just like any other property. These are not documents he authored, but even if he did, the government would own them as well.

Even though personal communications with family are excused.

And they were not some low level of classification, but the highest there is.


Just how can you justify any of it ? YOU CAN’T !

Attacking people and process is not going to help.
The government has the evidence for every charge. Given the profile of the accused, you wouldn’t dare charge without the strong evidence of it. What you think about it can not produce a charge.

Failure to do so invites total espionage going forward. Secrets for sale !

Also know he has not come clean on any of it and there are still missing classified documents the government does not want to admit to as to give them value.

And it is not known if he made digital copies of any of it.

The End of a ERA – Trump goes out with the bathwater – kicking and screaming

So, an election has consequences. And the mid-term election of 2022 is showing us that.

It’s the Trump factor. So, he is to announce he is running again. Not because he actually thinks he can win. No.

But he will give it his best shot as he knows how to do it his way. Burning down the houses in his march.

He is running to divert against his others troubles. Thinking he will be able to keep investigations and indictments a bit further away. At least if it can create delay, it will serve his purpose. Who knows what other opportunity will present more options for ‘getting away with it’. That seems to be his art. It does not matter to him what happens to the party, he is in a fight of his life trying to keep from loosing it all and possibility of prison.

The republicans want him to go away but do not want to say it. After all he could commit murder on the street in front of cameras and seemingly explain it all away and keep 30%+ of support.

So, politicians of his own party fear what he can do to their support. They all have future ambitions.

The reason he made it to this point after being tossed from office is his own party will not stand up to him and call him out when he is wrong.

They intended (Mitch McConnell) to let the democrats do it for them. Keep their hands clean of it.


So, where are we now…

At the time of writting this, The senate will be at least democratic of 50 seats, perhaps 51. The house as I projected, might only see a republican majority of 3 seats. No red wave and that by itself is against any normal situation we have seen in American politics.

They can’t do much more than saber rattle. Why do I say that?

Do you understand that the party is divided into 3 main groups and it will be very hard to get a consensus to do anything.

Look at what they did in the final years of Obama with a higher majority. Repeal the healthcare act how many dozens of times.

But it does give them control of spending. That is if they can get a consensus inside their party. As all spending bills have to start in the House.

That can weld a good bit of power if they can keep it together. But in reality it means that we are likely to see our spending limit at top issue and paying our debt in crisis.

Same old stuff they keep beating themselves up on and not a winning method.

Solving spam starting with shopify vendors

We all know what good biz is… and we know what less than satisfactory means.


Platforms like ebay, etsy, bonanza make effort to reduce or eliminate the possibility of anyone using their system to generate unwanted email AKA ‘SPAM’

It does happen sometimes and they seem to quickly stop it as they hold the ‘account keys’. The messages users send go through their servers and they are responsible for that content for it is generated on their system as part of biz.


Managing many email servers, I am always looking for a way to stop the extra weight of unwanted emails.

But how do you know ? You are the management of the server, not the recipient…. USER COMPLAINTS.

So, my team tells them… “look in the email for a ‘unsubscribe button’

They often tell me there is not one and most times I know that is not correct.

Along came JONES… a name for a guy who forwarded me his emails and… he was right.Not only was there no unsubscribe, they wanted you to log into/create a account to change your settings. Like we all know that one right ?

Now that kinda stuff gets me excited in the worst way. For you will never solve internet security until you solve this type of SPAM.

Looking through the system as a security measure, I found many coming from similar addresses. I then queried users and wow… did I get a ear-full+.

So I asked around at a small network of webmasters where we share info about such things.

So, we put our stuff together and created a block list of IP’s for shopify email servers. We can update the list faster than they can get new IP’s.

While you might think it is a bit rash to block all of it, but they make their own rules and this has been going on for many years.

It’s not like they have not had time to correct the issue. Marketers market as far as they can get away with. There must be a price paid for lesser behavior if there is no law stopping it.


Here are the IP’s I used in a CSF format for permanent block record.

# shopify # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete # do not delete


To use other methods… as a host name…


where * could be o1 – o31 (letter o not zero)

Good luck in your efforts for a better internet. You might want to warn them before you act rash. I doubt it helps, but just the same.

I can’t tell you what to do, just what I did.

Trump – Russia Connections

Just a interesting documentary.

Should we see his taxes ?

Videodrome is ALIVE !

Videodrome is a 1983 film. Art Predicting Life ?