Who will pay for the Tax Cuts ?

Pretty simple question.

I guess the answer depends on who you ask.

But it is clear that removing 15% or more of the tax collections will need to be paid for by someone… Sometime.

Doesn’t that go against what the Republicans have been telling us for the last 35+ years…

You got to ‘PAY FOR […]

Take’n a Knee For Patriotism and the Constitution

Take’n A Knee !

The Constitution is everyone’s Constitution.

The flag is a symbol. I do not worship symbols.

Creating a parody of the flag means our troops or our documents or other things. Nonsense…

If those words of that document are not honored, what exactly is it those troops were fighting for ? At […]

Why eBay is to much NAG !

The web is not new and over the years, everyone has learned about those things that users of your website can not stand enough to make them not want to come back for a future visit. You know things like auto-playing videos, pop-ups, pop-outs and even poor navigational issues that prevent someone from finding your […]

Trump has been running a Russian MOB Money Laundering Biz

I think you will find many of those affected in Russia when the Obama Administration placed sanctions on those MOBsters in control in Russia at the heart of Trumps problems with money laundering and investments in his dealings. And those sanctions had a very hard effect on Trumps operations and the flow of money to […]

Tax Cuts For The Rich – Your Health Care Explained

It just does not seem we will have any reasonable fix for the high cost of health care for as long as it is a tax issue at the heart of it. After all, it was the cost of it that we were suppose to be addressing. Nobody really wants to talk about that now […]

Try to make sense of WTI Oil Prices ? Supply / Demand ?

Just look at the news headlines for WTI Oil in just a 1 hour period.

Now try to tell me that any of it makes sense when we are still at a record high supply level never seen before (except in the last year) at the same time as worldwide, there is no forecast for […]