Immigration ?

Republicans can not really stand on the issue of immigration and the border.

For it is they who twice blocked bi-partisan deals for a fix in the last 20 years.

They do not really want a solution for they are able to take political advantage while supporting their low wage advocates that fund them. It’s […]

Trump in trouble again. If you think this is OK…

I will not detail what has happened in this instance as the media should have informed you.

But it’s all history in the making. This indictment pertaining to classified documents taken with him as he exited office.

SO, many do not agree with this, but can only argue process or personal attacks.

(this is always […]

The End of a ERA – Trump goes out with the bathwater – kicking and screaming

So, an election has consequences. And the mid-term election of 2022 is showing us that.

It’s the Trump factor. So, he is to announce he is running again. Not because he actually thinks he can win. No.

But he will give it his best shot as he knows how to do it his way. Burning […]

Trump – Russia Connections

Just a interesting documentary.

Should we see his taxes ?

Videodrome is ALIVE !

Videodrome is a 1983 film. Art Predicting Life ?

Church – State and Tolerance

The separation of Church and State in the US, by design, was to prevent Religion from creating rules of governess.

It was not designed to keep the state out of religion.

Most of the people who fled to come here were escaping ‘rule by religion’. The same is still going on outside the US and […]