Drill Baby Drill – Part 3

Drill Baby Drill – Part 2

Well now… With the addition of this big pipeline we have from Canada, others can drill baby drill and flood our market on the cheap.

What was it I use to say… OH… I still am…. be careful what you wish for.

And the fact is the US […]

Elon Musk has an interest in Ukraine and the war.

I have just found it strange, the behavior of Elon Mush since about the time he bought Twitter.

Everything seemed to have changed for what I thought the kind of person he was.

I believe I can now explain it away in my opinion anyway.


While I see the news that he is now […]

Drill Baby Drill – Part 2

Part #1 if you missed it

Drill Baby Drill !


How we got to oil glut and was not unexpected by me since the US put sanctions on RU for the war.

As the war moved on and RU was under more and more financial pressure, oil is the fastest way for them […]

Drill Baby Drill !

Drill Baby Drill ! Just who is going to do that in a world glut of oil we have only seen twice before ?With all the world turmoil, the price of WTI is still hovering around / under $70 bl.

If all the oil threatening events were to have happened in 2018, the price of […]

Let me invade my neighbor or else…

Once again, the threat of nukes. Or is it just the start of WW3 ? or is it both ?


I would say it is already WW3 as most nations of the earth are supporting one side or the other even without forces on the ground.

So, if you did not figure out what […]

Elections have consequences. Do you know what to expect. UN-Governing, the Money or Power.

New Administration ? What to expect. Perhaps even a New Administration ?


What to expect from a new poopy pants administration. I am going to portray a very realistic view here based on what he has said and his history.

Let’s start with the appointments.

He wants ultimate control. Of everything. Every dept head […]