But never did Biden say…
He didn’t have them 6+ times…
Only turn over some of them…
Claim they were his and the government had no right to them after they came and took what he said he didn’t have…
Say he had declassified them in his mind…
Brag about what he had and the secrets therein themselves to people who had no clearance…
Just a few to refresh a selective memory if you should find one out there.
But anyone is free to draw a concussion as to why you would do such a thing. But it seems nobody does that publicly.
Is this about Money or Extortion or both ? Protection from legal avenues he knew were coming ?
In all of this, you do have to wonder what was not taken back and out there or already sold/traded given away for earlier deeds.
Has anyone given thought to digital copies of what was taken back. How would you know these were not copied and sold already or waiting to be sold in digitized formats.
Surprising to me is that there is no accountability for documents when they get to the White House. Even SCIF doc’s.
Looking at world events after Trump left office, one could draw a conclusion that Iran suddenly knew where some of it’s intelligence leaks were, and began removing them.
The question becomes, did Russia have the info and share it will Iran and where did Russia get the intel. It just does not add up well.
Nobody in the Trump admin had anything close to ties with Iran, But they did with Russia. Did Russia broker this?
While I am sure the NSA would know more about this, they are bound not to share that with the FBI.