The Predictable Unpredictable Oil Market

Reading a lot of headlines for a very long time, it is interesting to see them in a order of a timeline reading in order the same hour ranging from “crude going higher on lower rig counts” and “expectations for $30 crude before year is out”.

You begin to wonder if each of the writers […]

OIL Prices can not sustain $100 and a Bad Investment

It was a known fact back in 2007 that the breaking point price where oil prices in the U.S. would break the economy was around $90 per barrel.

This is to say the oil prices at or above this level can have such a negative effect on the economy that it shrinks and causes the […]

Gas & Oil Prices Too High ? Keystone Pipeline XL Will Make it worse !

After listening to the debate on the Keystone Pipeline construction and hearing about all those jobs it would create, I thought there must be something wrong with it as it sounded to good for a President of the United States to reject in the middle of a weak economy and high energy prices. So I began to find out… […]

Is There Anything That Will Not Make The Price Of Oil Go Up?

By the time I wrote this, the current upward trend reversed itself on the price of oil. We were told the increase in gas/oil prices were from a weak dollar. Now normally I could understand that thinking for many commodities but this is something that someone is going to have to send me some feedback on as I do remember some of my history. That is to say, just after we went off the gold standard, the Nixon Administration made a deal with O.P.E.C. to tie the price of crude to the U.S. Dollar. This was a very smart move as it stabilized the price of oil […]