Drill Baby Drill – Part 3

Drill Baby Drill – Part 2

Well now… With the addition of this big pipeline we have from Canada, others can drill baby drill and flood our market on the cheap.

What was it I use to say… OH… I still am…. be careful what you wish for.

And the fact is the US […]

Drill Baby Drill – Part 2

Part #1 if you missed it

Drill Baby Drill !


How we got to oil glut and was not unexpected by me since the US put sanctions on RU for the war.

As the war moved on and RU was under more and more financial pressure, oil is the fastest way for them […]

Freedom For Iran ? Not Yet, BUT…

The Iranian government has succeeded in stopping decent from its citizens, but only for now. This issue is sure to be revisited soon enough. Most likely, just before or after next elections if not sooner. This is a quest for freedom of the best kind. No military could impose such a grand change. For it to be real and work for those that fight for it, it must come from the bottom up! […]