Apple vs FBI – Just The Facts

A new ongoing battle is in the making between the FBI and Apple Inc. over the FBI’s constant badgering of Apple to re-gain access to what they once had. The ability to hack your phone and read contents at will.

While the FBI or other law enforcement is to have a legal wiretap court order, […]

Don’t Like Government Spying/Tracking You? Read This

Simply put, if you don’t like the idea of the Government Tracking and or Spying on you, You need to stop the Corporate tracking and spying.

Before I explain just how big this is, I’m sure you have herd about how your cell phone carrier, internet service provider, all companies that you deal with online […]

Apple – Back To The Future


Apple A Thief ? History might suprise you !

I really wish to keep this a short post so I will only point out the most obvious parts of history that you do not have to dig deep to verify.



The name APPLE was trademarked by APPLE RECORDS which at the time was owned by former Beetle George Harrison back in the […]

Think Company’s Are Not Compiling Info On You… Think Again…

Yes the corporate world has been doing what Uncle Sam is not allowed to do. Why should this bother anyone.

You would think this is not a big deal and if you listen to what they say, it’s not. But what the fail to tell you is not current use of the data, but future […]