Tax Cuts For The Rich – Your Health Care Explained

It just does not seem we will have any reasonable fix for the high cost of health care for as long as it is a tax issue at the heart of it.
After all, it was the cost of it that we were suppose to be addressing. Nobody really wants to talk about that now do they !
We are getting porked in every orifice !
We all own it for not forcing the point that started it all.
The High Cost of Health Care remains ! Nothing to address it so far.
Perhaps AHCA was a start and a band-aid. At least it did something but not without flaws.
If you do not demand better, there’s a slim chance you will get it !

Trump did promise to go after Phama…. I hate to see what that will look like.
If he actually does it, he would have my support for it.
We the tax payers are subsidizing cheap drugs for export. But not for consumption here.
You don’t have to travel to far from a US border to get the same drugs at a 40-80% discount.
Let’s not forget that we the taxpayer paid for a lot of the R&D that went into creating many of those drugs.
Those same company’s moved overseas to avoid taxes. I have no loyalty to them !
If anyone, of either party was concerned with me having more choices in my health care,

Why did they allow so much merger and acquisition in the industry.
GREED ! When the AHCA/Obamacare passed, they bought up folks in other market areas and in the same market area and pushed software to allow them to see everything they could charge a Insurer (3rd party payments) for and do make sure they get a charge in for it.
They just need a doctor to say, do a MRI or prescribe a aspirin.
These facility’s are raping the Insurers and the insurer’s are adding to the top of it all.

So how is it that ‘now’ they are concerned for my choices.
Since Now I have so few ! Trumpcare going to fix that ? I don’t think so.
And with the Insurer’s deals with providers, I really don’t have a choice.
What happened to free markets and competition. Now we are in a market that requires deep regulation. Monopolies exist and nobody seems to realize it.
And they want to allow this merger activity to spread across state borders !

Hope you have plenty of Vaseline ! The prescription they are writing is going to hurt !

Try to make sense of WTI Oil Prices ? Supply / Demand ?

Just look at the news headlines for WTI Oil in just a 1 hour period.

Now try to tell me that any of it makes sense when we are still at a record high supply level never seen before (except in the last year) at the same time as worldwide, there is no forecast for any increase in demand and not major supply disruptions can be forecast.

Still believe in Supply and Demand ?

How about Santa Clause and the Tooth Ferry ?

Oil prices are controlled by those that master speculation !

Interesting Bernie Sanders 1988 Interview on Health Care

1988 Bernie Sanders sounds the same as 2017 Bernie Sanders….

Trump working with Democrat’s ? Does he expect to find loyalty there ?

Sunday March 26, 2017

White House chief of staff Reince Priebus scolded conservative Republicans, explaining that Trump had felt “disappointed” that a “number of people he thought were loyal to him that weren’t.”

This is a representative government.

The House of Representatives is suppose to be beholdant to the people in each respective district First

And second to the Nation at large

and then possibly the President and

4th to the leader of their party.

Just one more example of where the thinking is all wrong now-a-days.

So what do the Dem’s owe the person that wanted to tear down and vowels to destroy their prized legislation ?

It will be interesting to watch as they probably will be no help in tax reform if it only rewards the upper income brackets.

They could perhaps do a infrastructure spending program if they can figure out how to fund it since the Mexican Wall will require a lot of funding that has not been appropriated yet.

Just not sure where you will have any money for the basic needs of the nation and remove much of the funding while spending significantly more on good things we all know we need.

Someone has to loose something. As always, the middle class will be paying for it in some form. We just will not know what it is up front.

Ryan and Republicans Fail First Test with Trump Care

As a majority party, the Republican’s had no problem passing legislation to REPEAL the Affordable Care Act AKA Obama-Care well over 60 times while Obama was in office.

Now they control all parts of the government and a higher majority in the House and can not even make some adjustments to it that just amount to striping all the costs and protections away.

And what was the reason why this did not pass…. Trump blames it on the Democrats.

I can’t figure out how this meets even Trump’s approval since it does nothing and contains nothing that he ran on in his election efforts.

Trump did not even want his name on it but I think he owns it now ! Trump Care… A total Failure… A Looser ! To Bad, It’s a shame !


Lead, Follow or get out of the WAY !

I don’t think Republican’s can govern. Mid terms are coming and I ‘can’ see them being so despite to pass something even if it is wrong (and probably will be) so it’s going to look bad for them starting in December (or sooner) this year.


They have had a lot of time to plan what they would or might do when they were in charge and what they showed us is the same old grandstanding we seen for the 6 years they had control of Congress under Obama…. Only this time they would own their own deeds not just talk and they could not come through…   So Sad…

You can Talk the Talk but can’t even Crawl the Walk.


It’s much easier to say NO that it is to make and pass a plan of your own. But I think they are just coming to realize that.

It would be very easy for the Democrats to hype the failure, but will they ?

Minority Rules -Political Un-Humor