Videodrome is ALIVE !

Videodrome is a 1983 film. Art Predicting Life ?

Church – State and Tolerance

The separation of Church and State in the US, by design, was to prevent Religion from creating rules of governess.

It was not designed to keep the state out of religion.

Most of the people who fled to come here were escaping ‘rule by religion’. The same is still going on outside the US and why most do not understand ‘the people’ and their governments of the middle east and surrounding areas.

Gee Wiz, some that called themselves CHRISTIANS even killed-off anyone who tried to read ‘the word of god’ for themselves. 10’s of thousands were put to death for trying to transcribe the word of god to read and understand themselves. So the church kept only the select few who could say what the word of god actually was. (keeping power)

‘Cyrus The Great’ is one of the first notable ‘neutrals’ on religion as he released the Jews, and under his rule, did not care what your religion was.
So the principle goes back to the beginning of the current Judaism as we know it.

Science on the other hand, has been persecuted throughout time.
It came as many names across time like Alchemist, Witchcraft, etc…
Sir Issac Newton was a Alchemist and if anyone found that out, he would have been put to death by the church run state.

To me, it is as simple as the politics we now face.
If everyone were to believe the science, then everything they have hung their faith on is wrong. They don’t want to be wrong so do away with/attack the science.

Tis the same throughout history. Religion is more about power and influence than anything else.

Just be sure you know the difference between a FACT and a Theory. Or be mislead like religion ignores the same to exist.

We must tolerate it all.

Putin is the most powerful man on the planet !

Seal of a traitor

Seal of a traitor

Let me paint a picture, much like some others do.

If one is to believe the dossier, this is plausible. And I will make the point in a few statements.

Shortly after Trump takes office, he has promises to keep.
But a warning shot has been fired that goes back to much earlier agreements.

Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal…_Yulia_Skripal
Trump Eats McDonald’s Because He’s Afraid of Being Poisoned Elsewhere…session-769796I started making those connections in June of 2018.
Putin OWNS Trump. It is clear to see in Syria, Ukraine and the ANTI-NATO stance. No matter how he excuses his actions, it’s all Putin’s bidding.The US and the EU are going to have to shut down the worlds money laundering operations or we truly will all be sold out. MONEY is a very powerful motivator and so is death by poisoning for those that might have a moral objection.

There is your carrot and stick. Now go after those that are waving it around.
Putin is truly the most powerful man on the planet right now. Like it or not.

Have we all forgot ‘The Powell Memorandum’

Nearly 50 years have passed since the original writing. Somehow, it would be my humble opinion that many forgot the targets of neo-capitalist.

So I am here to remind you to re-read and look around you with the original text and copy of the document . If this is the first you knew of it’s existence, you really should pass it along to others in your life’s circles.

Thanks also to others that keep the document alive for others to understand for themselves. Here is a copy of the PDF – Lewis Powell Memo.

Need more resource understanding it ?

The Powell Memo: A Call-to-Arms for Corporations — by Bill Moyers

The Powell Memo (also known as the Powell Manifesto) — by


What’s wrong with Democratic Socialism ?

I’ve been watching some political adds on local TV that I would not normally pay attention to calling those that they are running against a Socialist, much like the talk of Bernie last go around.

What I found funny back then, was when ever I mentioned Sanders name, they called him a socialist. And that is all they knew about him or Democratic Socialism.

I had to ask… Do you know what socialism is ? to you know what democratic socialism is ?
Who does any form socialism harm ?
Of course they had no clue and/or could not explain any of it. It was just bad because it was made to sound like a demerit.

But it reminded me when Reagan made Liberal a bad word in the American mind.
He started that pitch with George Bush Senior in the republican run-off and then chose him as his running mate. Go figure. It was so effective that even G Bush Sr used it against his opponent in his election bids in 88 & 92. I was a conservative throughout this. But began changing my thinking as I watched the republicans trash their own man for very bad reasons. This is the point of change in American politics. The neo-capitalist had begun taking charge and using the demerit name calling as a useful toll in their work.

So I find it like playing a record until everyone buys it as a hit. At least enough to for-fill your unstated agenda anyway.

But still, those that do not like democratic socialism can not define it or describe it and can’t state who would loose in such a structure.
And then. I tell them we have been practicing democratic socialism for a very long time and they are in disbelief with no answer for that. And bounce back with a talking point they have been pre-programed to say (like a broken record).
I’m sure that me bringing the topic up for discussion will cause a bunch to do a google on it, but I doubt they will find truly accurate picture on the surface of a search.

The folks that have a reason to be against it are neo-capitalist, because the government should not be doing anything a company could make a profit from even if it can provide poor service for higher expenses and eventually go belly-up leaving the people that get served by it without service.
So they have the motivation to give it a bad name.

But some things (not everything) only the government can do in a meaningful way.
The problem with the current system that I still stand by until something better can come along is that it has become to corrupt. A problem for any form of governance or social order.

Social Security is a very good example. The politicians had added/changed the wording of the governing regulations to allow some rat company’s to game the system.
Sometimes I think it is a ongoing effort to cause it to fail to eliminated it as we now know it. But hey… they give money to the candidates to make the changes and a little more after the fact to keep it going.

But we have been under democratic socialism for some time. The difference is to what degree. And some want to tear that down for a quick profit, even if it is a temporary one. A company can go bankrupt and those in charge can walk away with those profits.

Take a look around you… The folks from K-Mart could fleece the company, file a chapter 11 and go on to buy Sears a few years later. They raped it and now filing again. Everyone will believe it’s just changing business which is a good part of it but not the whole story.
Just have to watch what their next move will be in a few years. But I still have 5000 worthless shares in K-Mart to say I have no confidence in what these ceo/managers and the board do. They are about 1 of 6 groups of players I have noted doing the same BS. And that hardly scratches the surface. They are raping the company’s as well as the share-holders and the tax system. I call it the syndrome of ‘MORE’ ’cause it’s always about ‘MORE’ they want more more more.

Capitalism OWNS Democracy now, what did you think they would be saying about it ?

The 3% owning over 90% happens in less than half of your lifetime is something quite different to think about the implications going forward!

Do you think you can buy back your democracy ?
You can’t afford it now.

Do I Trust My Government ?

Simple question with no simple answer… But ‘You Are The Government’ unless you choose not to be.

With the recent moves by corporations to make and take a stand in our political landscape, I found it strange that folks that have pure motivation for MONEY and PROFIT are taking stands on moral and political positions.

This all sounds good and well in it’s current form but one has to be weary if this should be the new standard.

At least this has been up front and in your face. Unlike monetary contributions by many of the rich to contribute large amounts of money into campaigns through the’ non-profit’ issue oriented advertising that you will never know the source of. And little to no way to find a foreign power from doing the same thing. Why do they wish to hide that fact… because they fear a boycott of the public for promoting their real motivations for rules in their favor. And they probably are very correct in their fear. As a consuming citizen, you have 2 powers… your vote and your purchasing decisions. Yes, you can vote with your wallet, but only if you know who is shelling out millions to promote legislation against your interest.

It comes down to this…

Do you believe in the rule of law ?

Without rules we would have anyone becoming judge and jury and taking the law in their own hands without consensus of the moral value of right and wrong.

But right and wrong are determined sometimes how you presented the facts and sometimes not all of them. And that is where the public often comes divided.

But the rule of law provides a framework for you to change those rules that fit your moral code of the time with the new circumstances that exist now.

If people would put as much effort in pressuring those that are responsible for seeing to the public concerns are met with a reflection of their want and needs as they do in posting to social media and argument with friends, relatives and neighbors, this landscape would look a bit different.

The fact that few take advantage of the intended landscape of politics and the rule of law allows others to form public opinion in the fashion they wish with statements contrary to the real intent of proposed legislation.

The skinny….

Your lack of participation in holding these politician’s feet to the fire has allowed them to pretty much do as they please. They only have to convince ‘some folks’ for everyone else may be passive, even if they have strong opinions they might express online or in other chatter.

You can’t hurt these folks with chatter in social media and will prove nothing to anyone who is willing to hear it. You are certain NOT to change anyone’s mind on your issue. Their opinions have already been formed for them with a set of facts that may not be complete or correct.

BE pro-active, be sure to at least be registered to vote and vote as much as you can. Don’t give these folks a chance to take you for granted as a number because of your inexcusable reasons for not being registered to vote. Write your congress / senate and let them know how you feel as a warning shot that you might actually turn out to vote. Not just the US government but your state and local governments as well. Do what you have time for but do not do nothing.  You will deserve the outcome you receive.

So, Yes, I trust my government as long as I still have the power to public discourse and petition the government,  I have to… it’s all we have between mob rule and arguable discourse.

It’s the guys running my government that I have little trust for. And I have the ability to help change that, but only with your help. Your inactivity has let them take advantage of me as well as you ! I am registered and do vote and do write my government officials.

So if you don’t like the baby’ stroller, throw it away and get one you like, buy it from who you choose and trust, just make sure the baby is not in there when you toss it ! You might not be able to get it back. Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. Stop being passive about your future and your children’s future. It is up to you to restore that trust in the government because you are the government unless you choose to not to be. To many have taken this latter path and you are seeing the result. Minority rule of those with plenty of money to shape public opinion as they wish with carefully selected facts and mere slogans.