The American President

Some things are timeless.

Reflecting current political disposition, I am reminded of these clips from the 1995 movie, The American President. ENJOY !

Just think some more on it.


I just had to add one other from “Fair Game” – Sean Penn

Republicans TRUMPed on Immigration

Why is it the Republican Party has so much adverse to say about the new leader of their party?

One issue stands tall against the base that have supported the party for a very long time… It is Immigration.

Quite simply it is about cheap labor and taxes… Let me explain the longer version…

The […]

Escape Reality, Read/Watch The NEWS

Now I have to prove the title of this page.

Everyday we see the news of the latest on a celebrity court case.

We see the latest on what some political player has done… or not.

We see some company complain about the over regulation or tax of them.

We see the stock market reports […]

Apple vs FBI – Just The Facts

A new ongoing battle is in the making between the FBI and Apple Inc. over the FBI’s constant badgering of Apple to re-gain access to what they once had. The ability to hack your phone and read contents at will.

While the FBI or other law enforcement is to have a legal wiretap court order, […]

A Slave To Technology

Being a “Tech Slave” Sounds like something from a SCI-FI movie. But it is becoming true to form in a way you did not expect and is excepted as a new norm without a blink. It’s costing you more than you think. Something it was suppose to be adding to… Your quality time of life. Let me explain some examples: […]

It’s legal to LIE, depending on who you are…

Are you getting so use to lies that you don’t even recognize them anymore?

First, I want to say that I know if I lie to a police officer, my utilities, my boss or local government officials, it is going to cost me in a big way.

We are faced with them by the thousands […]