Putin is the most powerful man on the planet !

Seal of a traitor

Let me paint a picture, much like some others do.

If one is to believe the dossier, this is plausible. And I will make the point in a few statements.

Shortly after Trump takes office, he has promises to keep. But a warning shot has been fired that goes back […]

Have we all forgot ‘The Powell Memorandum’

Nearly 50 years have passed since the original writing. Somehow, it would be my humble opinion that many forgot the targets of neo-capitalist.

So I am here to remind you to re-read and look around you with the original text and copy of the document . If this is the first you knew of […]

What’s wrong with Democratic Socialism ?

I’ve been watching some political adds on local TV that I would not normally pay attention to calling those that they are running against a Socialist, much like the talk of Bernie last go around.

What I found funny back then, was when ever I mentioned Sanders name, they called him a socialist. And that […]

Do I Trust My Government ?

Simple question with no simple answer… But ‘You Are The Government’ unless you choose not to be.

With the recent moves by corporations to make and take a stand in our political landscape, I found it strange that folks that have pure motivation for MONEY and PROFIT are taking stands on moral and political positions.


Kavanaugh – The Jury Is In… Or Are They ?

Ya know, originally when the first allegation came up, I was not seriously concerned. We all do stupid things when we are young without the realization of how that might effect our future. We live in the moment for the most part. As long as there was not pattern of behavior afterwards.

Then, a pattern […]

Capitalism & Democracy – Self Governance While It Lasts

This is a capitalistic democracy…. remember which word comes first. While I do not support it, communism was never a threat to democracy. It was a threat to capitalism. Notice we sparred no expense in squashing that idea down.

Capitalism is great, yes, greed is good, but uncontrolled greed and uncontrolled capitalism is bad.

Capitalism […]