FCC turns head and Comcast / Universal puts final nail in content coffin

Yes the FCC turned its head and allowed the Comcast Universal Merger but what is the real interest behind the scenes?

Content Delivery Companies (aka Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon) realized some time ago that they are a “PIPE PROVIDER”. Meaning that they were the pipe to get the content. Not being satisfied with that, they […]

Freedom For Iran ? Not Yet, BUT…

The Iranian government has succeeded in stopping decent from its citizens, but only for now. This issue is sure to be revisited soon enough. Most likely, just before or after next elections if not sooner. This is a quest for freedom of the best kind. No military could impose such a grand change. For it to be real and work for those that fight for it, it must come from the bottom up! […]

Cut a deal on Tax Break Extentions Before Republicans take seat.

The Republicans do not want this on their plate when they take office and the Democrats want to deal for benefits for the unemployed while they can so the lame duck congress will take the hit if there is one to take. While I do not advocate raising taxes on anyone without a eminent good reason… Lets look at what all the tax breaks have done in the last 11 years. […]


It appears the Republicans have not only swept the US Seats but all of the state seats (at least in my local area). So what have we to look forward to: […]

IRS will not mail Tax Forms !

That’s right. Post office getting expensive and even higher cost to mail in Jan 2011 so now-a-days along with printing cost, it does make sense to not mail forms out by default. But… […]

How To Stop Political Antics In Congress

Congress just does not seem to be capable of thinking past the next election. We need some long term thinking out of this body of our government that really has no idea of the long term implications of the legislation they pass… […]