What Does The Romney “ENERGY PLAN” Mean and Does It Matter?

Just before the RNC Convention, Mitt Romney announced his Energy Plan To Energy Independence. In reality, we are likely to be energy independent faster if he is not elected. The process has already began but he is making it his plan. If you read into his plan well, it would be a wonder he does not upset what would be a clear victory in Texas … […]

Gas & Oil Prices Too High ? Keystone Pipeline XL Will Make it worse !

After listening to the debate on the Keystone Pipeline construction and hearing about all those jobs it would create, I thought there must be something wrong with it as it sounded to good for a President of the United States to reject in the middle of a weak economy and high energy prices. So I began to find out… […]

New White-Fi Network To Bring More Internet To More Places

Yes, I did not miss-spell it, White-Fi or White Space Networking is now live in a test in North Carolina.

White spaces are the radio frequency’s in “unused TV channel areas” .

Using a database to control its use where a TV signal is being used, and not used for white-fi, is the heart of […]

Think Company’s Are Not Compiling Info On You… Think Again…

Yes the corporate world has been doing what Uncle Sam is not allowed to do. Why should this bother anyone.

You would think this is not a big deal and if you listen to what they say, it’s not. But what the fail to tell you is not current use of the data, but future […]

Verizon Backs-Off New Charge… Victory for some but more yet…

So Verizon Hears the public cry and reverses their previous announcement of a new $2 fee for paying online. What I find more interesting is the statement they made of what they were trying to do. They stated that they were trying to encourage customers to sign-up for other “AUTOMATIC PAYMENT METHODS”. Now in the case you do not understand exactly what type of payment they are talking about, let me explain and tell a short story why you never want to sign-up for a method of this type unless … […]

Verizon Slams Cusomers With New $2 Charge… But there is more to this…

Yes Verizon has stated they will be charging customers a $2.00 fee for paying their bill online. Lets just back-up and see why this is so totally absurd. Banks and every other large business, especially those that have multiple mergers in the last 10 years, have spent a lot of time and money convincing the public to be green and paperless by paying online. While the main reason they took this initiative is that it saved them lots and lots of money directly in the form of bank fees for paper transactions and mailing and printing costs and indirectly by… […]