Chesapeake Energy – A Prime Example of Corporate Un-Governance – We Drill Deeper

This is a story of a poster-child for poor corporate governance, or drawn as a caricature of the reckless, megalomaniac, self-enriching CEO but it could also be the company you are invested in as you can not believe this is limited to just one but this one is the easiest to see and explain.


Imported From Detroit – A Strong American Message

Yes, This started out as a Chrysler Corp message in their advertising but has expanded to Americans as a symbol of a new meaning of Made In The USA promotion in a global economy.

The promotion was so successful, Chrysler make quite a bit selling the slogan on lapel pins a tie clips and you […]

What Quantitative Easing Does For Jobs / Employment

In a normal economy, the Federal Reserve would use its’ control of interest rates to heat up a cooling economy or cool down a overheating economy. That helps even out the highs and lows or boom/bust type economy.

This is just one of several tools the FED has to help/moderate money. The cost of borrowing […]

More on Money equals Free Speech, PACs and Fire in the Theater

So, according to the Supreme Court, Money is some how equal to free speech.

For everyone that gets cold chills hearing that, take a chill pill for a while.

If we go along with this idea, and I think we should as we must because once the equation is made by the court, Congress can […]

Making a case for “DEREGULATION”

OK, it keeps coming up every election cycle and this one would be no exception so we thought we would tackle the issue with facts.

Deregulation, in plain election English, that’s getting the government out of the way to influence the free market.

The best way to get these facts is to look in history […]

President Clinton’s Speech – Word by Word Transcript & Video

The Clinton Speech: (see below for video)

We’re here to nominate a president, and I’ve got one in mind.

I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. A man who ran for president to change the course of an already weak economy and then just […]