OIL Prices can not sustain $100 and a Bad Investment

It was a known fact back in 2007 that the breaking point price where oil prices in the U.S. would break the economy was around $90 per barrel.

This is to say the oil prices at or above this level can have such a negative effect on the economy that it shrinks and causes the […]

President Obama Addresses The U.N.



If you believe in democracy, this was a outstanding speech.

Here in it’s entirety. (worth watching to it’s end)


Apple A Thief ? History might suprise you !

I really wish to keep this a short post so I will only point out the most obvious parts of history that you do not have to dig deep to verify.



The name APPLE was trademarked by APPLE RECORDS which at the time was owned by former Beetle George Harrison back in the […]

Flat and Fair Personal Income Tax

Personal Income Tax Should Be Mostly Based On People And Circumstance And NOT Things or income level !

Here we only prescribe personal income tax:


* Personal Income Taxes – A Flat Rate Tax – A fair rate of 14% with only the following deductions that everyone could enjoy – Income would include all […]

How Romney is losing the election

Losing he is, on his own path. It is surprising that Romney, being a strict statistical man, can not calculate his to fast to reply to events before he knows the facts. It makes it obvious that he is being an opportunist.

He could still stand a chance if he would relax and get to […]

Questions That Need Answers Before The Election

Everyone has questions but how many of these legit questions will have an answer before the election:


In Romney/Ryan Budget, What is the extra 2 trillion dollars in military spending for?


Why do we call it bail-out when it is only a loan guarantee and why was it OK to do it in […]