Minimum Wage and Corporate Welfare

Sometimes we all have the same perspective but different opinions while looking at the same thing. In other words, We look at the same tree from the same point in the forest and see it differently.

With this issue, I would like to take you to many new places to look at the same tree. […]

Toyota’s Unintended Acceleration Problem Still There – Recalls

It’s been a few years since we had a bunch of attention of the unintended acceleration problem that Toyota had with many models in the U.S. and now being almost 2014, we see Saudi Arabia and South Korea forcing recalls on the cars for the same problem.

Back when this problem first surfaced, I did […]

Rich Folks Don’t Create Jobs

Every once in a while, you run into a person that personifies something you have been saying or thinking.

I found just that person:

“Nick Hanauer” and his TED TALK “Rich people don’t create jobs” It is the first time that I know a TED TALK had been banned from being published.

Later released by […]

What to do with Affordable Care Act AKA Obomacare

This going to be one of the shortest and easiest post I have ever made.

It all comes down to a principle we use everyday and will show it by example.

When our constitution is found to be inadequate in some area, we do not throw it out the window and start over. We amend […]

StarFish And Coffee – The Syrian Dialemma

Once again the world is called to act. The Worlds Political Capitol has been spent already on a terrible unjustifiable war in Iraq.

Why is it the world can never seem to get it right. I guess because there is no Halliburton to make Billions to convince you.

I feel like Cynthia Rose. If you […]

NSA Wire/Data Tapping – Terror vs Your Rights

There are several things that need to be stated up-front:

Data has been collected by companies for more than 20 years at a much higher intrusive level than the government has been doing and the government will say nothing about it because if they need the information, they just subpoena that info from that company.
