Fixing Internet Security Starts with Fixing SPAM

While many of you do not realize it, Most malware and viruses come to you two ways and the largest by far is email.

The majority of you are most likely using a virus scanner and a malware scanner but that in no way gives you 50% protection against these tiny pieces of code that […]

Comcast – Time Warner Merger In The Works !

The two largest Cable Company’s looking to merge making the single largest Cable, Internet, Phone and Media Content Owner.

While there is a very large laundry list of reasons not allowing the merger, It would be hard to find one reason this would benefit the public at large.

After all it was the Higher Rates […]

Hush Money – You see it everyday but do you know it ?

Do you know you can see hush money pass hands everyday. In fact I know that you are seeing it but do you recognize it when you see it ? I’ll bet not.

Let’s take a few examples by looking at advertising.

For whatever reason, I have paid close attention to adds for decades to […]

Tesla Battles Dealers – Where’s the FREE MARKET

Tesla Motors has been in a battle with dealerships in certain states for some time now. At the heart of the matter is Tesla’s ability to sell Cars directly to the consumer.

Here is the latest news on that if you are not up on the matter.

I have never seen a better argument for […]

Conclusions of CES 2014 – More Bandwidth Required

Trapped between the “TECH’ie” that I am, and an advocate for the consumer, leads me to the following conclusions from the International Consumer Electronics Show of 2014.

We seen a want, a need? and a push for 4K visual displays. Some Huge, some bendable and some both. While they are extremely nice and who would […]

T-Mobile gets Best Competitve Practice Award

After several takeover attempts and one failed merger with AT&T, T-Mobile (T-Mo) has been a target in a bunch of sights for a while now. The latest from Sprint…

Sprint… … Really ? they do not even use the same phone technology ???

It goes without saying that’s a merger that should never happen as […]