FCC takes a new stab at side stepping Net Neutrality

My comments here may be a bit premature but I don’t think so. Watching carefully crafted statements with intention words that are misleading. Hey, I have been watching Congressional committees do it for many years.

So the Wall Street Journal has the early clue of wording that could be dangerous for those that support Net […]

Not Your Fathers Virtual Reality

Back in the 90’s, we had a promise of Virtual Reality that had everyone talking…

“It’s going to be so great” and the terms “CYBER everything” were born.

Well it was not so great because nobody ever delivered the goods. And what was delivered was cheesy, expensive and cumbersome and in no way delivered “CYBER […]

Apple – Back To The Future


Putting An End To Corporate Tax-Dodgers

This is a simple post and gets to the hart of the matter quickly and directly.

Pfizer wants to buy a British Drug maker Astrazeneca and and become a British company to avoid US taxes.

This would not be unlike many that have done the same thing in the last decade for tax reasons as […]

“Inflation To LOW” Says FED – What Planet Are They On ?

Yes, Inflation is to low for the Federal Reserve and they want it to go higher. It begs the question, “On what planet is inflation to low?” or “What plant is the Fed on ?”

It must not have anything to do with those who are from Earth !

I have no LARGE DATA to […]

What’s wrong with eBay ? – Terrible Ideas ?

First I need to point out some of the “GREAT” ideas eBay has has over the years. These are all things I complained about for years before they were eventually removed or turned into class action law suites.

At one time, they thought it was a great idea that you were able to see not […]