All The Presidents’ Bankers – A better look at the banks.

ALL THE PRESIDENTS’ BANKERS, Nomi Prins’ new book.

Bank conspiracy, collapse and the failure of the federal reserve is explored.

This interview is long… It is well worth watching to the end. Oct 2015

If you find that interesting and can stand some more…

watch this interview of her from […]

The Consistent Message Of Bernie Sanders

From 1995 Mind You ! and John Kasich is Chair !

It’s what makes Bernie who he is. A steady Force with a Consistent Message.

The Predictable Unpredictable Oil Market

Reading a lot of headlines for a very long time, it is interesting to see them in a order of a timeline reading in order the same hour ranging from “crude going higher on lower rig counts” and “expectations for $30 crude before year is out”.

You begin to wonder if each of the writers […]

Political Oxymoron

With some time on our hands, sometimes we actually get a chance to look at the forest and see the trees.

While finding answers, it sometimes only makes more questions !

Here are a few trees that we could spot while looking at the forest…

If the drug company’s are selling drugs at a discounted […]

Republicans Planted Seed Of Tree They Are Hanging From

Kind of a bold title isn’t it ! While I’m not going to spring any new information on you, I am going to point out what you already know but have never connected the dots.

The far right wing of the republican party has been hell-bent on removing any rules that would apply sanity to […]

That EERY FaceBook Feeling

Virtual Reality is just about to be everyplace you are in very short time. A fabulous tech once promised in the 90’s for over a decade and about to be delivered to the masses in early 2016. Topping the list off in the field was the over 2 billion dollar purchase of Oculus VR […]