The Iranian government has succeeded in stopping decent from its citizens, but only for now. This issue is sure to be revisited soon enough. Most likely, just before or after next elections if not sooner.
This is a quest for freedom of the best kind. No military could impose such a grand change. For it to be real and work for those that fight for it, it must come from the bottom up!
If you were to think about how the face of the middle east would change from such an event, it really becomes more complicated than first makes the eye as many dealings we have with neighboring countries that are not commonly known about aid in the form of military hardware, intelligence and are big cost to the taxpayer, keeping oil shipping lanes open for us and the rest of the world (try adding that cost to the price of gas/oil).
Most likely the Iranians are not likely to try again to regain their government unless the government blinks or provokes them or a model for success is provided to them. What role should the U.S. play? Can we help them without making a mess if they do not succeed. Could we afford that?
Several times the U.S. Government promised to help those who would overthrow their governments in the middle east. Twice in Iraq once in Afganistan and broke all promises. This created US trained Osama Binladen and my guess would be that if the US had to do it over again it would not have broke its promise.
If Egypt or Syria were to fall at the hand of its own people, surely Saudi Arabia and the rest of the middle east would be doing what no military or economic sanction could do.
Of course this is part of what they told us the Iraq war was to do and look at the cost of that. And to boot those folks are not sure if they want the democracy we left them with. Would it not have been cheaper in money and blood if we had kept our original promise in the first place.
One of the most important reasons those in the region have a unfavorable opinions of us is the way company’s here act in those lands and the people see it as a extension of our government because they do not have free markets there and we constantly go to their defense when those same company’s get in trouble over there for doing things they would not be allowed to do over here! So with all the broken promises, why should any of them trust us?
The very big question for us in the U.S. is “will we truly stand for our ideals” or only the ideals of our largest corporations.
Tread Softly and Keep your morals intact.
Revolution is coming to a country near you very soon ! The internet is going to change everything !