That’s right. Post office getting expensive and even higher cost to mail in Jan 2011 so now-a-days along with printing cost, it does make sense to not mail forms out by default. But…
The IRS says you will still be able to get forms at your local Post Office and Library or you can call them at 800-829-3676 (I sure hope there is someone at the other end of the line to answer).
Not to fear, you can get forms and instructions online at the IRS website
Now if you have had any dealings with the massive stuff that comes at you when you do a search at the IRS website, you know it should be a bit simpler than that to get some of the most common forms so we suggest other online and free site that has the most common forms and instructions quick at hand to end some of the search nonsense.
Last year I was able to get all the forms and instructions I needed in less than 2 minutes !
In any case, it is going to be a strange tax year with much of the confusion getting tax forms and instructions so help your parents/friends who may not get online but need the forms like anyone else. One thing for sure, it is a mark of things to come as the net shows it can deliver at a low cost but the FCC needs to deliver the internet to the people, not the ISP’s as the public trust it started out as.