Political Oxymoron

With some time on our hands, sometimes we actually get a chance to look at the forest and see the trees.

While finding answers, it sometimes only makes more questions !

Here are a few trees that we could spot while looking at the forest…

If the drug company’s are selling drugs at a discounted fraction of the U.S. cost/rate overseas. Isn’t that a subsidy ? Funny, those that support the actions of the drug company’s are against subsidies for anything else (except corporate farming).

If it is wrong to kill a person, shouldn’t it also be wrong to kill those convicted of killing ? Not funny is most of those that support right to life of unborn children are the biggest promoters of the death penalty.

Why is it every industry that has been “deregulated” is about 8 years from a doomsday level crisis thereafter ? Savings and loans,  Energy, Banking and we have yet to see what happens to the Utilities (electric) Market recently deregulated. In common, They seem to move from getting deregulation passed to merger and acquisition afterwards, to lie-cheat-steal until they go belly-up. I thought that was what the regulation was trying to prevent. Funny how we never ask why the regulation was put in place before it is removed.

What is the difference between a Indian (from India) and a Mexican ? A Indian is more likely to have and hold a green card and get citizenship and not at risk of being deported and more likely to find a job that pays near 6 figures (displacing a American Job) and nobody says a word. I find it interesting that while Mexican immigrants seem to be a issue of American job displacement, more wage dollars have been displaced in Silicon Vally by Indians and those jobs were not jobs nobody wanted to do. Just nobody wanted to pay for just like the Mexican immigrants problem.

Looking at the above, do you wonder who is telling us what the issues are and their motive for leaving many aspects of them out ?

We could write a book of these.   You probably need to ask questions. A Moot Oxymoron ?

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