It’s legal to LIE, depending on who you are…

Are you getting so use to lies that you don’t even recognize them anymore?

First, I want to say that I know if I lie to a police officer, my utilities, my boss or local government officials, it is going to cost me in a big way.

We are faced with them by the thousands every week and nobody else is getting in trouble. What gives?

Oh… first we shall call some of them “misrepresenting the truth” like most of the packaging of our foods. Such as my favorite cranberry juice that is 100% juice. Problem is,  only 10% of it is cranberry juice. I made some pumpkin pie the other day and it said “made with 100% natural flavorings” but also contains no PUMPKIN parts. Or just a simple “contains no MSG” while the ingredients do contain the ingredients of what it takes to make the MSG (a tasteless additive that fools your brain into thinking that it is good and makes you want more).

Interesting enough, while we speak of MSG, we were told for decades that it was added as a preservative. Now nobody claims to add it but they list the ingredients that are used to produce it.   …Hmmm…  I guess that is called speaking the truth some other language (that you don’t understand it).

But a Company can lie about the way it conduct it’s affairs that effects the lives of hundreds of thousands of real people sometimes in way that brings harm to them and they are lucky to even see a fine that represents 2% of the excess profits that they made doing so and nobody goes to jail.   I think they call that profitable !

A politician can say anything they want to get elected and that has a effect on everyone if they really had no intent to do as they say or withheld the full extent of their plans. Then they say enough to pacify those they govern while they continue to do as they want.

The lobby groups (PAC’s) can absolutely lie about anyone’s record and slander the character of anyone and “nothing can be done”. I guess we should call them artificial truths. Problem is those funding those lies may not even be of this country and you can’t tell because you are not allowed to know where the money comes from. The banks, insurance, oil, drug, media and communication companies are by far the largest contributors. They don’t want to put their name on the contributions as you might figure out their agenda and boycott them. I guess we call that a Hidden Truth.

So I guess I need to incorporate myself or become a politician or PAC so I can enjoy a freedom of speech that no person enjoys. The ability and legal status to lie !

Freedom of speech… How much is in your wallet ?

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