This weeks Political Humor.
Thanks to the first Presidential Debate, I now know what the extra 2 trillion dollars of defense spending in Romney’s budget is for: …Going to war with BIG BIRD. …Yea, that commy bird is going to get it !
Loose Lips Sink Ships… or so my father use to tell me. To bad for Biden that he is not my brother.
Voter Fraud is widespread say the Republicans. And since nobody believed them, they decided to prove it in all the swing states.
Romney moves to Center. Gets welcomed by Obama who says “glad to see ya here. Staying very long?”!!!
According to Al Gore, Barack Obama’s exceedingly poor and embarrassing debate performance was because he didn’t acclimate to Denver’s 5,280-foot elevation. No problem for Romney, that’s the elevation of his money pile he sleeps on every night.
Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said that 60 percent of Americans receive more financial benefits from the government than they pay in taxes, making them “takers,” rather than “makers”. He must think that number is too low because at another event he was quoted as saying he wants to eliminate Capital Gains tax. Need I remind you that Capital Gains are not from making anything but money from money and not products. Shall we talk about the welfare state now or later?