Malarkey It’s Oligarchy (part 2)

Well, I thought someone would have been smart enough to look at the CR

(continuing resolution to keep the government funded till mid-March) that passed against the one that was about to pass that Musk stopped by threatening congress just to see what was added or removed.

And nobody did. Not even ANY of the media.

What was missing, was a provision preventing tech transfers to China.
This effects Musk’s Biz in China in a prohibitive and costly manor. Just what kind of tech does he move to China ?

It almost makes one wonder if he has been engaged in trading national defense secrets for favor since he refuses to even report who he is meeting with in China like all the other defense contractors. It’s such a easy thing to comply with unless you are up to no good.

Now you can see why the smoke screen.

No, the Republican congress did not suddenly grow a spine.
Yes, they did bow down to musk and give him what he really wanted.

So, who you gonna hold accountable for this move ?


Musk ? what will you do, vote him out ? Impeachment ? He holds no official government title except he is also a defense contractor.

So my next question is,

What about those 15% tariffs ?

These do not effect Musk much, but China has already planned a retaliation to strike 47’s monetary supporters who all have large stakes in China. Musk being a primary target.

How much more will the US resources be leveraged to protect one man’s corporate interest or monetary gains. You ALL pay the price for this shit.

While there is always someone slipping something into one of these bills you might not like if you only knew about them,

none have had the added pleasure of threatening congress publicly to remove one.


Malarkey, It’s Oligarchy

Edit: Posted near the same time as my post.

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