The separation of Church and State in the US, by design, was to prevent Religion from creating rules of governess.
It was not designed to keep the state out of religion.
Most of the people who fled to come here were escaping ‘rule by religion’. The same is still going on outside the US and why most do not understand ‘the people’ and their governments of the middle east and surrounding areas.
Gee Wiz, some that called themselves CHRISTIANS even killed-off anyone who tried to read ‘the word of god’ for themselves. 10’s of thousands were put to death for trying to transcribe the word of god to read and understand themselves. So the church kept only the select few who could say what the word of god actually was. (keeping power)
‘Cyrus The Great’ is one of the first notable ‘neutrals’ on religion as he released the Jews, and under his rule, did not care what your religion was.
So the principle goes back to the beginning of the current Judaism as we know it.
Science on the other hand, has been persecuted throughout time.
It came as many names across time like Alchemist, Witchcraft, etc…
Sir Issac Newton was a Alchemist and if anyone found that out, he would have been put to death by the church run state.
To me, it is as simple as the politics we now face.
If everyone were to believe the science, then everything they have hung their faith on is wrong. They don’t want to be wrong so do away with/attack the science.
Tis the same throughout history. Religion is more about power and influence than anything else.
Just be sure you know the difference between a FACT and a Theory. Or be mislead like religion ignores the same to exist.