This is a capitalistic democracy…. remember which word comes first.
While I do not support it, communism was never a threat to democracy.
It was a threat to capitalism. Notice we sparred no expense in squashing that idea down.
Capitalism is great, yes, greed is good, but uncontrolled greed and uncontrolled capitalism is bad.
Capitalism should never OWN democracy.
You have to manage it as a tool and a end to a means. It can not set the rules for itself. It then becomes uncontrolled greed.
In Russia, Capitalism owns democracy. How does that look ? Want some…
It was the same reason they had the communist revolution. It was against capitalism not democracy since they did not have democracy then. It was a revolution against capitalism.
Capitalism is not bad, uncontrolled capitalism is.
This is the real war you are fighting and everyone is wearing masks !
Vote your aspirations.