Pay Attention Politicians ! I hear you, Now Hear Me !

You Cut Taxes ?

Don’t tell me you cut taxes since mine were not cut. They even went up. You lowered taxes for Some, but why not everyone ? You tell me they are to high. Why did mine go up when I made less and the stuff I need for life cost more ?

You give tax breaks for many of the ‘JOB CREATORS’ and yet we have less jobs and my share of the payback to the national debt has went up. It seems to me that by giving a tax break to some, you have afforded them the automation to eliminate jobs. Especially when you have allowed them to buy/merge most of the competition in any perspective field. Now how do you say TO BIG TOO FAIL and TOO BIG TO NOT BE BOUGHT OFF BY THEM.

Is there a price to be paid by corporate America for the roads citizens build, the wars we fight that many of these big corporation’s  get us into in the first place. They shed no blood. Don’t they benefit for them. I never see them talking against a war when there are things to sell to the warring parties.

I see nobody speaking on my behalf. Just those that try to put words into my mouth that I am not the least bit interested in. Talk about a disconnect of politicians.

I see that Trump stated that he was going to pay for his agenda of paid maternity leave with the elimination of unemployment compensation fraud. Does this not open the door to more fraud in maternity leave ? Especially with Tax Breaks ?

Just one problem with that….

It’s not a federal program but a state program. But on occasion, the federal government puts some money into the state’s till when things are really bad like just after the bank collapse of 2007/2008.

So where is the fraud ? It seems to me that you probably are just interested in eliminating it to force many to flip burgers at McBurgerWorld just to eat and drive wages lower while still collecting the withholding money from everyone’s paycheck so the money goes into some general fund so you can spend it at will. It’s just a code word for more wasteful spending that they say they do not want in the first place. I see it calculated that there is $3B in fraud in UC. Why not just go after the FRAUD if it is there. So you are telling me that you will only go after it if you can spend the money somewhere else. What kinda logic is that. Show me the fraud. Sounds like all the voter registration fraud that allowed them to put more rules on to keep some from voting does it not ? … or does it sound more like the ‘Social Security Trust Fund’ that does not really exist. One more tax break is not what I want to hear. Where is my carrot ? Everyone seems to be getting them except me !

Exception is the rule for everyone except me !

So why can’t anyone ‘COME CLEAN’ on what the TPP trade deal means to American’s.

If it is going to cost us jobs but less jobs than no deal, I don’t think it is such a complicated subject that it can not be explained to the public since the media is not telling us much. They just tell us a few things that the folks say that want it or don’t want it. The cheap option with no research.

I’m sure there is a lot of ‘LOBBYING’ going on for those that benefit and those it would hurt but who is really going to tell me what it means to me ? Today, Next Year ans perhaps to my son/grandson.

One should be asking better questions of their Representative government,  Like…

Who in congress agrees with their candidates positions and would likely to pass legislation supportive of their platform. It’s one thing to say you are going to build a WALL and get someone else to pay for it, but it does require the other branches of Government to pass legislation to make it so.

A president is not KING.

I could say I want to give every American a $500 check to spend as they see fit, even borrowing from China and/or India to pay for it (oh… wait, that’s been done several times before hasn’t it), but it does take legislation from Congress to do that since they control all spending. Even if it is borrowed.

So what are you going to do to make my life better you liars ?

Earn MY Vote !

By default, there is a NONE OF THE ABOVE OPTION !

Looking better all the time. But I will at least show up and cast my blank ballot !

It’s a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE in my government and it’s the easiest to do.

Sends a clear message.

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