We all want to be able to catch the “BAD GUYS” and every time the old data we used to identify ourselves is a risk to a question of credibility because it has been compromised, we are asked to give up more personal information that can separate us from someone else who may want to imitate us.
You may know bio-metric data as that fingerprint scanner on your phone. Or perhaps the retina scan at your bank or place of work or even on smartphones now.
To date, only Illinois and Texas have any kind of restriction or regulation as to the collection of bio-metric data on you without your consent or knowlage.
While that is a very limited regulation in those states and hard to prove if it is happening at all. That leaves everyone else a free check to collect anything they can.
I have noticed many things that suggest the collection of bio-metric data while shopping at check-out and at certain points within a dept store. Add that to the unknowing consent with your cellular carrier has made to release customer info on your cellphones digital ID and it is a perfect bio-metric collection system.
I see many updates at banks, both in the bank and at the drive up windows.
Why I even see it in the photos taken for drivers license collects that facial recognition data that goes into your file at the FBI and probably Homeland Security. Shopping mall security cameras and some in and around city streets.
Hey… we all want to catch the bad guy right ?
There has not been a digital method that has not been spoofed to date. So you may just have a false sense of security. Law enforcement does not say anything about when and how they use bio-metrics in solving a crime. I think if you knew how much of it has been going on, you would be quite alarmed.
So how will you feel when a criminal spoofs your bio-metrics in the commission of a crime.
Do you think you will be able to defend yourself against a computer that says it is you ? In court ?
Like all data collection and “STORAGE”, I have a problem with the idea that everything collected and stored is a target for a HACK. After all, we are just learning of many of the MAJOR hacks that took place years ago affecting millions in many cases that nobody seem to know happened and the bad thing is that nobody seems alarmed by that fact except me.
Just remember that the last piece of bio-metric data you have to give is your DNA.
How will you protect that info ?
Who has it now ? Who will you give it to in the future ?
Will you give up some more to feel more secure ?
If there is going to be no regulation and enforcement, who knows how many are using it for what purpose, good or bad ? Problem is, it can be collected for good purposes and used in bad ways by others who gain access to it. There are no rules and even if there are, how do you know when it is being done ? And for what penalty ?