Apple vs FBI – Just The Facts

A new ongoing battle is in the making between the FBI and Apple Inc. over the FBI’s constant badgering of Apple to re-gain access to what they once had. The ability to hack your phone and read contents at will.

While the FBI or other law enforcement is to have a legal wiretap court order, […]

A Slave To Technology

Being a “Tech Slave” Sounds like something from a SCI-FI movie. But it is becoming true to form in a way you did not expect and is excepted as a new norm without a blink. It’s costing you more than you think. Something it was suppose to be adding to… Your quality time of life. Let me explain some examples: […]

It’s legal to LIE, depending on who you are…

Are you getting so use to lies that you don’t even recognize them anymore?

First, I want to say that I know if I lie to a police officer, my utilities, my boss or local government officials, it is going to cost me in a big way.

We are faced with them by the thousands […]