Kind of a bold title isn’t it ! While I’m not going to spring any new information on you, I am going to point out what you already know but have never connected the dots.
The far right wing of the republican party has been hell-bent on removing any rules that would apply sanity to the economy or the election process over the years.
Part of that was removing any spending caps on elections. And the right wing of the Supreme Court equated money with free speech which not only opened the flood gates for anonymous money into any election, it prevented congress from acting against it because now being a freedom of speech issue of the 1st amendment of the constitution, it can not be changed by Congress.
So what has this changed for us.
It now means that a foreign power or entity could support a election or issue with unlimited amounts of money and nobody will know the source is not from the U.S. Keep in mind these adds do not have to be truthful. And most elections are won on scaring you into not voting for something or someone with miss-information. Very few are for why you should vote this way (pro), they are all ‘con’, why you should ‘not’ vote that way.
But that’s not all…
It has created a situation within the republican party where “THE MONEY” speaks even without spending it.
It seems that if they want that Congressman or Senator to do what “THE MONEY” wishes, they only need to threaten to spend it on the other guy next primary. So they do not even have to spend it. Just have it sitting there ‘not as a carrot’, but ‘as a stick’.
So they have went on speaking the way that “THE MONEY” wants them to until it just sounds unattractive to any voter. This is the clear reason for the OUTSIDER dominance in the early primary polls.
Business is actually scared because the leading candidates on both sides have not been listening to what “THE MONEY” has been saying for the last decade.
Hence the prop-up for the only true big biz candidate on face value anyway… Carly Fiorina who was a former HP CEO. There was a hope that if the voters want a outsider, they need one that “THE MONEY” could control in a understandable way.
Well, the noose is getting tighter as they hang from the tree that they planted.
As this Trump thing continues, I am personally not sure if he could win a general election but if he stays in the race long enough, he is sure to keep the republicans from winning the seat.
Since there really is no way to remedy this problem even in future elections short of a constitutional amendment from the people (states) separating the rights of a corporation from a citizen and removing anonymity from the monetary side of the election process, we and they are going to have to live with this rope hanging from the tree each election cycle. The rhetoric that gets you attention while in office, will keep you from proceeding in the future.
Yes, company’s should be able to spend whatever they want getting someone elected, but the money should have their name stamped on it. If that were the case, I’m sure they would be much more reluctant in putting it up.
Who would want to be known as the guy behind the curtain pushing all the buttons when you most likely spend money on their products.
Not that they are not there now, you just don’t know who they are.
But all of this really equates to a self lynching !