Bernie Sanders has caught the eye of people as of late and I watch the Sunday morning news shows and see that for all the reasons everyone wants to site for this up-rise, Populism Messaging is what they seem to be spinning….. HOGWASH !
This is a candidate that has had the same message for nearly his entire political career. This is not some tailor made message for the campaign. Compare that to anyone running of either party.
Now that same message is on a national platform where, regardless for what the pollsters say, the national public has been awaiting for that message that nobody has been bringing forth.
For everything that is being said you will find that only some extreme talk seems to get any traction now-a-days. Yet Bernie can stay his ground with the same message that he has had for many years and gain on it.
It is now a message on a national stage.
People have never herd anyone speak this message and pollsters and the media seem to tell everyone what the issues are by keeping them at the top of the public’s mind.
Not this time. You really don’t know what the issues are until someone speaks them. Much to often this is done by the political elite through the media. It’s easy to address the issues when you are able to tell the public which ones they are. Ignoring the ones they do not want to talk about. Because they kept them off the radar.
Along comes a guy who feels your pain. He not only feels it now, he was warning you of what ails you 20 years ago. I think that is the real message.
But, he will likely be attacked by the right and the left and that makes him particularly interesting to me.
Would it not be interesting that the guy with no money wins the nomination ! What a message to shake up Washington.
It is time to break this old mold.
See also: The Plot to marginalize Bernie Sanders