If it’s Sunday, It’s Politics Not Issues

Like many of you, I have watched the Sunday Morning news programs to catch a recap and more in depth viewpoints of the issues at hand in our lives.

At one time, it was always issue oriented talks. Meaning you would get a office holder on the program (or several individuals at a time) and grill said person(s) on the issues that face the country.

Now-A-Days, it seems less about the issue itself and more about the politics of the issue. After an election, It does all seem to be about the next election.

This only feeds the fire when it comes to educating the public about the issue. Meaning they learn nothing about the issue facts and provide a platform for the office holders to “SPIN” the issue to political favoritism.

I can remember a time when that political office holder who would blurt out spin, would be called out to elaborate and called out on his/her spin. What happened to that.

Just to point out that very little investigative reporting goes on anymore because all the company’s are bigger and richer and it is cheaper and easier to wait for news to come to them. That is why they re-use film footage with the same story in the headlines for a week or two at a time. It has the effect of leading you to believe that nothing else matters in the world or that nothing else important happened.

And we the public are wondering why we are so polarized now?

Why the issues are not being dealt with ?


I have been loosing interest in all of the Sundays News Programs in the past 10 years. I find better information doing my own specific searches “ON-LINE” and get better information, faster that waiting for the platform for “SPIN”… that being Meet The Press, Face The Nation, This Week and others that are out there.

Do you want the RED PILL or the BLUE PILL.

You must choose one !

Guess where both slaughter house doors lead to !

Well, My mind is not for rent anymore.

If you do not demand better, you will get less.

Change Your Channel or Turn It Off !

Everyone understands the money of that move.

Perhaps there is someone who can step-up to that challenge.

Or just be passive about it and watch it get worse for entertainment value. Ask Jerry Springer about that one. It sells.

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