I am trying to understand why the Ohio Tea Party is not outraged for Ohio Governor John Kasich. Immediately after a $800 Million Ohio Budget Surplus, he raises the state’s Sales Tax (people not corporations pay), and now wants to give Tax Breaks To Corporations? Didn’t he just give them a break by raising sales tax instead of income tax?
Where is the Tea Party who helped put him in office now…
I’m not hearing from them !
Huge cuts in services and many huge FEE Increases and produce a budget surplus. So what do we get for the increased money and lower services…
A sales tax increase and tax cuts to corporations.
Wouldn’t the surplus be better spent on infrastructure upgrades that would create jobs and more taxes not to mention making everything better about living in Ohio?
When you give the money for a corporate tax break, you simply add it to their bottom line /profit margins. Jobs are contrary to profits in the real world. Contrary to what they tell you about wanting to create jobs, their goal is not to create jobs but to create profits and most of those profits are going to go to the upper end of that company not to the average shareholder (that fact is a story in itself). But jobs are contrary to profits in any company.
I have felt all along that he was positioning himself for a run at the White House and to get support from the big money folks that reside in Ohio like American Financial (AFLAC). They will likely slip him into the race at the very last minute, after the others have put their foot in their mouth at least once.
Ohioans have paid for the tax surplus and will only receive 91 million of the 800 million in tax cuts to folks in the lower income bracket (details of which are scant) while 229 million is earmarked for small business tax breaks. Problem here is that what exactly qualifies as a small business. It is a lot larger than you think. Many Oil and Gas well producers will qualify as well as large retailers and Insurance companies.
Most of the surplus was produced in higher fees for licensing and the like and cuts to local communities that cause either a loss in services or a local tax initiative to keep those services going. New taxes were generated by Casino revenue that did not exist before. Many of those will probably qualify for small business tax credits.
Since most of the increase in revenue is generated by people not corporations and the cut in services affected people not corporations. So isn’t giving the bulk of the tax credits to corporations just corporate welfare at a individual’s expense?
If you want jobs, you must demand that they use the money for infrastructure upgrades to the streets, bridges and water/sewer projects that make the state a good place to do bossiness and live in. It will lower you taxes in the end as it generates more revenue for the state. How is that for a trickle down theory ?
So what will happen to the increased revenue from the just imposed increase in sales tax for 2015 that people, not companies pay? It has not really been earmarked (general fund) but if you could take a guess, who do you think will benefit from it in the end ? A story yet to be written. Be silent and let them steal from you and give it to the rich. A increased sales tax also puts Ohio online retailers at a disadvantage no to mention retailers bordering other states.
Ohio is also considering an increase in gas tax. If they get it, who will be exempted (duh.., not the working fool) and what will that revenue “really” go towards ? Often what they say and what they do are not the same.
Some interesting reading for Ohioans:
Ohio Community Cuts Calculator