A Little Deflation Please !

Yes, I’ll have some of that deflation if you don’t mind. It is due to us. Stop telling us that it is bad for us because that is a lie !

A little deflation of a modest rate for at least 18 months is due to the economy.

After all the inflation the past 10 […]

Ebola Scare Shows Just How Well The Private Sector Works

While I have to listen to the Ultra Conservative bunch tell me time and time again that the Government does not work, and we should let the free market/private sector do the work because they know better how to get the job done.

I will now make it a mission to explain point blank that […]

DATA SECURITY -Two Words With Nothing In Common !

My story starts in the year 2000 when I had a bit of a argument with a head of a I.T. department for a university over credit card security online. To prove my point, I had to put my money where my mouth was and just make a attempt to show exactly what I was […]

Exxon and Others want to lift U.S. Oil Export Ban

Consumers have finally seen a benefit of the U.S. export ban that helps keep energy prices here stable no matter the queer happenings of the world market. Now what ? Lift that ban ? I think not unless you like shooting yourself in the foot and here is why.

While the Oil Co’s are in […]

FCC Puts Comcast / Time Warner Merger On HOLD!

As reported by Forbes and many others, The FCC is hitting the pause button on merger considerations for Comcast & Time Warner Cable Co’s.

It is easy to speculate that it is a political discussion to move any announcements outside of the coming Mid-Term Congressional Elections.

The stated facts in this case do not take […]