Money = Free Speech – You have it, or you Don’t

Money = Free Speech – You have it, or you don’t.

That is a pretty simple statement, You get it, or you don’t. It is reality on the ground if we are talking about political fund raising or internet inequality with the lack of “Net Neutrality” rules.

All of the Money Equals Free Speech issues of today are just a new form of a 3/5ths vote.

Please read this Wikipedia of the 3/5ths Vote AKA The Three Fifths Compromise

When when the nation was founded, only a white male property owner could vote. And later even need to pay taxes to vote (poll tax). We have come a long way from that but if you really look between the lines, a trend seems to suggest using new methods, the rich white male may soon have all the power again. Or are we there now?   A dangerous trend if it continues.

Here is some voting history.

Perhaps they will institute a new form of a literacy test to keep the poor from voting. It seems they have set the stage by inadequate school funding. I can’t see the voter I.D. law working for them forever. Something new will need to be done to suppress that vote because there are so many new poor folks and you can’t buffalo them forever.

I fear that this trend will continue because people are either unaware or passive about it or both.

A force unopposed will always move forward.

I think the title of this post frames the issue in simple terms anyone can understand. Please feel free to repeat it often.

Money = Free Speech – You have it, or you Don’t


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