Money = Free Speech – You have it, or you Don’t

Money = Free Speech – You have it, or you don’t.

That is a pretty simple statement, You get it, or you don’t. It is reality on the ground if we are talking about political fund raising or internet inequality with the lack of “Net Neutrality” rules.

All of the Money Equals Free Speech issues […]

Credit Cards due for upgrade – 5 years late

Yes, we are more than 5 years behind technology when it comes to credit cards security. The magnetic stripe cards we use here are not even used in the third world anymore.

Why now for the U.S.

I guess it is because it can now be more costly to do nothing and have the full […]

FCC takes a new stab at side stepping Net Neutrality

My comments here may be a bit premature but I don’t think so. Watching carefully crafted statements with intention words that are misleading. Hey, I have been watching Congressional committees do it for many years.

So the Wall Street Journal has the early clue of wording that could be dangerous for those that support Net […]

Not Your Fathers Virtual Reality

Back in the 90’s, we had a promise of Virtual Reality that had everyone talking…

“It’s going to be so great” and the terms “CYBER everything” were born.

Well it was not so great because nobody ever delivered the goods. And what was delivered was cheesy, expensive and cumbersome and in no way delivered “CYBER […]

Apple – Back To The Future
