Only One Question On Petraeus Investigation

If you have just the slightest hint of how a FBI investigation works you should be mindful of just one thing that is the foremost important question of all.


How can someone or anyone just pick up the phone or email to a FBI investigator and get results of a harassing email?

Gee I have plenty of those and I’ll bet that I can’t talk to a FBI investigator about it. I’ll bet they would threaten me with jail if I tried more than once. I don’t think the local police will waste there time writing a report for me, a citizen.

It is clear here that this is a misuse of office and probably probably wiretap laws. This was most likely a set-up. They had to make a believable reason for starting this investigation to bring it to a embarrassing level.

I’m sorry, it don’t “jive” with me.

Please just answer the question of why you would do an investigation on a harassing email from a private citizen looking up private communications of high level officials without a wiretap or a suspicion of terror activity?

Could this be the first bad taste of a Patriot Act law being used as I had feared, for political reasons?

I don’t care the who’s or why’s, Just answer the main question please !

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