If you think we are going to speak on Romney’s win, think again. This is about why President Obama low-balled his performance.
Let’s look at the reasons why he would not want to be so aggressive in this debate.
First and foremost would be because the Republican National Committee had already said if Romney did not do well in the debate to show a fighting chance to win, the committee would shift spending all the money to the Senate and House races where they have a chance to keep the House and take the Senate.
Now the president already knows he has a firm lead in the swing states that will decide this election. A historical fact that debates have never shifted folks election picks from anyone that was not already undecided.
He just made a calculated guess that most of the undecideds have decided. All he has to do is not much more than NOT sticking out with anything new and a possible miss-statement.
Simple – Allow Romney to look better than he has been and keep the Republicans in shorter spending in those critical House and Senate races. He badly needs a change of party in the House when he is re-elected. This may have cost him some undecided votes but I think he had them to spare.
OK, that being said, I know you may find that hard to swallow. But normally, just like science, the simplest answer is the usually the correct one.
Now about the debate.
The only gaffe was Romney s’ attack on “BIG BIRD” (stop funding for PBS).
It seems that Romney did very well in “etch-a-sketching” a move to the center and try to steal Obama’s message. How many times did he say our plans are similar except…
We do already know before the debate, how much he spoke about repealing almost every legislative accomplishment Obama has had in the 3.5 years in office Like Dodd-Frank banking legislation, immigration and Obama-Care. Most of which has yet to take effect till next year and beyond.
I do wonder if anyone has spoke to the fact that the biggest problem with the a growing deficit right now is that less folks are working to pay taxes. Add to it the reduced tax rates that were provided before the collapse of the economy and tax collection/deficit spending become a major problem.
And add to the fact that 1.5% of the 8% unemployment and slow employment growth is partially due to the folks (mainly the start of baby boomers) that were going to retire in 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011 held back on their plans to retire because their 401K and pension plans were not worth diddly.
This is sure to change at the end of the year and open up opportunities for those entering the work force as those that finally retire make way for folks to move up the ladder as they use to.
One other problem we will face is the troops returning home from Afghanistan will add to unemployment picture so we need a stronger economy before that happens.
So no matter who is president, the jobs picture will get much better next year and so the deficit slightly better but the unemployment numbers may not change greatly.
The bigger question for the future would be if we can get proper and fair taxation and infrastructure spending inside the nation. That’s what is really in question in this election.
Can we get our priorities straight? Only you can decide by demanding change without the “smoke and mirror” tricks we get from legislation that says one thing when it is passed and yet another when the details are written in some congressional sub-committee after the fact and those detailed wordings have been bought and paid for by the lobbyist. It does not matter what party has control of the House or Senate, it is a fact of lobbying and legislating. How do you think those bills get so long on words and pages.
The last time I remember the Republicans truly reducing taxes in a major way, brought us lower taxes for the well to do and FEEs we did not have before. The Fees we did have like passport fees went up considerably. Fees like taxes are just fine unless you are the one paying them.
State Turnpike FEEs are just a road use tax that only effects those that use it but benefit everyone including those that don’t. These fees are kept long after their intended “pay for building the road”, don’t they?
Tax, spelled F-E-E …(to be continued at a later date if the republicans have their way).