Election 2012 – Good Bad and Ugly – Political Unfunny

Election 2012

Good News – 3 weeks till the election adds stop.

Bad News – We have to watch election adds for 3 more weeks !

Yes when the election is over the adds will stop and the next thing we will hear from a narrow victory will be the poor losers asking for the […]

Proper Effective use of TAX Breaks

We keep hearing the news of tax breaks being issued by state law makers to give incentive to locate a business in that state. Even for company’s who have not even asked for it. I know in my local area but not my state, a Governor not only gave a 3 billion dollar tax break […]

Poor Mouthing – # 2, Political Humor

This weeks Political Humor.

Thanks to the first Presidential Debate, I now know what the extra 2 trillion dollars of defense spending in Romney’s budget is for: …Going to war with BIG BIRD. …Yea, that commy bird is going to get it !

Loose Lips Sink Ships… or so my father use to tell me. […]

1st Presidential Debate – Greatest political maneuver ever

If you think we are going to speak on Romney’s win, think again. This is about why President Obama low-balled his performance.

Let’s look at the reasons why he would not want to be so aggressive in this debate.

First and foremost would be because the Republican National Committee had already said if Romney did […]

Unemployment Falls – 7.8% – creating a stir

You know we have this every election where employment is a campaign issue.

Unemployment numbers coming down while unemployment has been high for a extended period normally is a result from folks not being counted because they stop looking for work.

But to have it show up in a month before an election would make […]

Pet Peeves – Humor that’s not funny

Here is our fresh look at really irritating things of our high tech world. Many are my Pet Peeves and from personal experience. Can you relate ?


The debit card bank tells me that their “debit cards will speed up my check-out at the store”. I am sure you have seen them.

Reality check: […]