Speaking of election fraud

In the past several elections, the Republicans have been great at accusing election fraud and give some stray examples that country-wide, do not constitute even .0001 percent ( that’s one in a million votes) and lied about many of them to convince voters they would issue new laws to prevent it. Keep in mind that […]

Who’s Poor Mouthing?

Romney states if he looses election, “he will climb to the top of his money pile and jump off”. Obama states “not to worry, if he wins, he will reduce that pile to a safe level” -M.Mays Mitt Romney says he don’t understand why they call it “FREE SPEECH” because he pays a lot of […]

Eminent Domain In Texas by Candian Oil Company has a unlikely group protesting for property owners – The Tea Party

I always knew that one day, probably when it was to late, the folks that follow the tea party mouthpieces would one day wake up and find the ungoverned companies that they fought to get the government out of the way for, staring them in the face in a way they would not much appreciate.
