How Romney is losing the election

Losing he is, on his own path. It is surprising that Romney, being a strict statistical man, can not calculate his to fast to reply to events before he knows the facts. It makes it obvious that he is being an opportunist.

He could still stand a chance if he would relax and get to […]

Questions That Need Answers Before The Election

Everyone has questions but how many of these legit questions will have an answer before the election:


In Romney/Ryan Budget, What is the extra 2 trillion dollars in military spending for?


Why do we call it bail-out when it is only a loan guarantee and why was it OK to do it in […]

More Pictures Worth A Few Words – Political Humor


Mitt Romney Demonstrates that a high quality job can be obtained in under 1 month.

A Bad Camera Angle?

Voodoo Economics Reborn ?

Conventions Over. Time To Engineer A New Plan !

Ryan’s Plans Helped Romney Improve His Regard For The American Public, Well, See for yourself…

Eddie Munster and […]

Chesapeake Energy – A Prime Example of Corporate Un-Governance – We Drill Deeper

This is a story of a poster-child for poor corporate governance, or drawn as a caricature of the reckless, megalomaniac, self-enriching CEO but it could also be the company you are invested in as you can not believe this is limited to just one but this one is the easiest to see and explain.


Imported From Detroit – A Strong American Message

Yes, This started out as a Chrysler Corp message in their advertising but has expanded to Americans as a symbol of a new meaning of Made In The USA promotion in a global economy.

The promotion was so successful, Chrysler make quite a bit selling the slogan on lapel pins a tie clips and you […]

What Quantitative Easing Does For Jobs / Employment

In a normal economy, the Federal Reserve would use its’ control of interest rates to heat up a cooling economy or cool down a overheating economy. That helps even out the highs and lows or boom/bust type economy.

This is just one of several tools the FED has to help/moderate money. The cost of borrowing […]