I really wish to keep this a short post so I will only point out the most obvious parts of history that you do not have to dig deep to verify.
The name APPLE was trademarked by APPLE RECORDS which at the time was owned by former Beetle George Harrison back in the ’70’s. When they went to court, a deal was reached that they could use the name as long as the did not sell music. A little less than 2 decades later came iTunes and they were back in court and reached a deal to buy their way out of the mess in a out of court settlement.
Now everyone credits Apple co-founder Steve Jobs with the great mind for creating the iPad but it would surprise you to know, he must have been watching a video we are about to show you about the newspaper/computing of the future.
This 1994 video is a bit long but well worth watching to its end.
If you dig deep you can find many times they have bought their way out of worse cases than the current problem they have with Samsung’s alleged patent infringements.
Read Some other stories on the web !
Steve Jobs Rip Off – TechDirt.Com
Apple Stealing – Succeed2k.Com