Questions That Need Answers Before The Election

Everyone has questions but how many of these legit questions will have an answer before the election:


In Romney/Ryan Budget, What is the extra 2 trillion dollars in military spending for?


Why do we call it bail-out when it is only a loan guarantee and why was it OK to do it in 1980 for Chrysler and for Lockheed Martin and not for GM or Chrysler in 2009 when the normal credit markets were frozen?


Why is it a that a member of the House of Representatives can no longer introduce legislation and have it voted up or down?


Why is it Not OK for tax dollars be used for pregnancy prevention but OK to for tax dollars to kill through war on a distant land?


How can a tax cut improve the national debt?


Why are the same folks who are always telling me they want to get the government out of my life, always finding ways to get in my life (abortion,prayer in school,flag usage,extra hoops to vote) but at the same time are getting the government oversight of company’s reduced or eliminated?


Why is a temporary tax reduction expiration a tax hike?


Why do we give tax breaks to company’s to spur economic development when they were going ahead with their plans with or without it?


Why is it that I could murder one person and can be assured to go to jail but a company can kill many and nobody goes to jail?  Could it be that I do not have as much “free speech ?


Why don’t the 2 political parties fit the mold of organized crime ?



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