Some simple observations of the year that has gone by us…
The Arab Spring is most notable, but incomplete till Iran, although not Arab, has an uprising… Still to come.
Yes this Arab Spring as we call it has done what no government military could do at a huge savings to life and not as much with a gun but with information and participation that the Internet could help organize and spread accurate information quickly within a people.
Unrest in Russia may be coming to clean-up unclean elections. If successful, the very same will be sure to come to Iran in their next elections.
In the middle of that unrest combine a similar low key uprising here in the states where people stand up against uncontrolled capitalism gone astray in the form of the occupy movement. And again the Internet has played a big role.
In short, a trend can be noticed. People armed with the free flow of information can bring a more peaceful change for a better planet. But this still requires your participation.
This leaves us to wonder… Will the Internet remain free ? The question needs a further definition of “FREE”. Free being defined here as NOT controlled by a Corporate entity and only lightly regulated by its government as so to preserve the all are equal original intent and was the first made promise in the creation of the Net.
It is the only threat to those among us that would do us harm as well as the biggest threat to do us harm.
Forget The Pen, The Keyboard is Mightier than the Sword !