Yes, you can probably count Cain out of the Republican race by now. This would be his own fault. If you are going to play the national stage, you had better at least keep up with current events in a national election.
But one of his messages, that resurfaces almost every presidential election, is tax reform. Each time it takes a new face and name and Cain called his the 9 9 9 plan.
If you care to take a close look at his or other tax reform proposals AKA ” FAIR TAX” “FREE TAX” etc, you will find one thing “missing” from the big shell game of tax re-writing…
Corporate Taxes. That is because they do not contain any. Corporations do not pay sales tax, citizens do.
It is worth noting for all the tax give backs and reforms and lowering the rates of corporations in the last 20 years, our economy seems to get worse as our debit level must be filled by other means or we need to borrow to cover the expenses we had not to mention growth in the expense of those programs.
The only fair tax is a flat tax for all. Including the corporate world. This should also eliminate all the tax subsidies we the people give them. Till the day when someone stealing 5 million dollars from 100’s of folks spends as much hard time in jail as the guy who robbed the old lady for 100 bucks, they should pay more. Till the day a company can loose its life on war, they should pay more. Till the day the average taxpayer is to big to fail, they should pay more.
In any case we can expect whoever wins the Republican nomination will need a similar message so watch the shell game on who actually is paying the taxes in the reform. There is always a difference between what they tell you to get support for a change and the final wording that is done in a committee after the bill has passed. And this is where the lobby groups have their way or shall we say… get what they paid for !