Yes, the book has been written now goes like this…
To defeat thy enemy,
You must speak the cleanest water as poison so thy enemy shall not drink from it.
Then, only the poison water shall you point as good and you shall receive many thanks for it.
Personally, I do not care if the President is Black, White or Purple or From Kenya, Russia or China. He is the current President and holds the shape of the future in his hands and you don’t normally get more than one chance to get it right so for yourself and kids sake, all had better wish him success for it as it is your own success or failure. I have said the same for the last two Presidents.
I can only guess that many of you placing comments on net blogs are the same folks that were paying all the attention to the Monica Lewinsky matter.
And while your attention was focused on that meaningless set of facts, Congress was busy “repealing the Glass-Steagall Act” that enabled the Banks to trash this country in less than 9 years. To show how effective this is… most of you still do not understand or know that this really happened or what the act was created for. What was the term Reagan used… oh… smoke and mirrors.
Shame on you that are not much more than a bunch of sheep to be herded.
You do not have to be collage educated to be educated. I guess it is easier to let the talking heads on the Radio and TV think for you.
But do they really point to the clean water? Don’t ask me to drink from the same troth as you.